Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear
If Teddy Bears could talk.

Friday, September 13, 2013

We Will Never Forget 9/11/01 Was the beginning of a new chapter.

 As this day of recollection and contemplation comes to an end I would first like to share my appreciation with all of the soldiers(regardless of length of service or duty station), emergency responders, and Americans that rallied that horrible day in our history. 
 I wish we could count great moments as our most profound memories yet we tend to remember harsh vile events more than good ones. This day is one hat I will remember forever.
 I refuse to remember it with anger or sorrow, but rather with pride and dignity! For the days and weeks and months following America was united and the outpouring of love and compassion for the survivors and families of the victims is the number one memory I carry. I have my own demons I am fighting with and memories such as these remind me my problems are nothing in comparison.
 My friends and family give me strength to continue to fight and strive to not only be a better person but to try and share that with others I come in contact with.
 For some I am a frustration or source of anger to teach a lesson, to some I am a bit of an annoyance... What I hope to accomplish in my life is to out weigh any of the annoying or angering things I do with compassion and love.
 Everything, everyday should include a bit of living, as much laughter as you can get, and more love given than received.
 God bless America, and all of you.
 For my Atheist friends accept it because it is a heart felt blessing that you all live a great life with more happiness than trial.

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