Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear
If Teddy Bears could talk.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Beginning

As every day has a beginning it also has an end.

Learn from yesterday and let go of it.
Live for Today without losing sight of what is to come.
Tomorrow is a new adventure waiting for you to decide what it will hold.

I truly believe everything in our lives happens for a reason. We seldom realize the reason until well after the fact but, when we do it makes since. No matter how bleak or dismal it was yesterday remember as the sun greets you in the morning it is another chance to do better. Never give up your dreams, and never stop fighting.

I have never heard anyone say I have to much Love in my life. But I have lived with too much stress and traded it in for the chance to I traduced mor love into it. There are more forms of love than colors in a rainbow.
 The brightest love is what you feel for your spouse or partner and your children (you know no matter how mad you get at them you will always love them!)
 Then not quite as bright is the love we have for our families and those that are our closest friends.

The list goes on but you get the concept. If you focus on developing the love relationships in your life your life will continue to improve daily and the anger and frustration you carry around with you will begin to shrink. No it's not a cure all and if you don't truly want and work on driving it out the anger and hatred will remain. The choice is yours. Find something to start your day with a smile, if you have a best friend that gets up at the sam3 time every day and you happen to get up around the same time start out your day by calling them and starting their day with a smile. If your married then start the day by greeting your spouse with a smile and let them know you love them it doesn't have to be anything huge it can be as simple as a big hug and whisper I love you in their ear. Wake up early and fix them their favorite breakfast. It's easy and will start your day with a smile even if you didn't sleep well.
 If you find their day is not starting out on a high note and you have the chance do something to surprise them and see the smile that simple actions make.

Never pass up an opportunity to tell those you love that you love them. And whenever the opportunity allows show them...

This is what a talking teddy bear would tell you in the beginning. It all should start with love!

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